• RIVER & RAVINE is pure Northern California. The design originated from a wire and plaster sculpture, spray-painted and gashed with a pocket knife. From there it evolved into a meditation on the local environment and natural events expressed through wool and silk. The resulting rug borrows heavily from the landscapes around the region: dry and flooded rivers, setting sun on the Pacific, golden hills and dark, deep foggy valleys — and swaths of land too often destroyed by wildfires.

  • Silk and wool. 100 knots, hand-knotted in Nepal. Available with or without ravines.

  • In the Wildfire colorway you will see a large flood of silk roaring into the bordering green field. The orange is color-matched to photographs of the ominous orange that subsumed the entirety of the earth and sky in the San Francisco Bay Area on September 9, 2020. The forests were on fire like never before and its effects were shockingly surreal.

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